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Sunday, 2 July 2023

Mork Borg: Drowned Soul

So, here is a class I found in the MorkBorg slushpile, because I was asked to write a few during the project.
I tried my best to tie it in the Madness mechanic I already spoke of, because apparently we decided it was to be our central mechanic. I think one of the reasons the project failed and died is because we couldn't, in the slightest, understand why we had to make that Madness thing and why it had to be central in the adventure.

Literally me thinking about past projects, and the class I'm talking about today.
I have no idea where the image is from.

It is probably the second worst flaw of most stuff I happen to work upon in groups for hobby-related projects. Nobody has clear goal on what they want out of this except "maybe we can monetize this thing" despite having no real idea why people would buy such a thing in the first place.

Fuck, this sounds like I'm really bitter about this. Anyway, here's the class-stuff:

Drowned Souls:
Beneath the Sea, Troubles lie dormant, awaiting the day the sea floor cracks, and saltwater joins the Blue Blood of the Earth. 
Few have seen the Cathedral on the Shores Below the Sea. Fewer have entered it. 
None came back the same.

Each time you spend Omen, you gain a Spell Point.
You can choose to not lose an Omen and get Madness instead.

d6 Omens. Toughness + d6 HP. d4 on the Weapons Table.
Roll stats as normal.

Kinda like this.
"Drown in the Loch" art by John Stanko from Magic: The Gathering.

Start with one of the following Relics of the Ocean Beneath the Seabed:
1. Shamshas the Cursed Catfish (1 hp, he can become the target of any spell cast around you, he’s reborn in your lap every morning)
2. Key to the Sunken Library (once a day, it can reveal a truth about the world or a random single-use scroll)
3. Bible of the Lowered Citadel (as long as you chant the litanies inside, you produce light as a torch; DR6 every 10 minutes of chanting or else you get Madness / d4 damage)
4. Eye of the Blind Navigator (looking through the eye, you can see past any disguise, mundane or magical)
5. Visage of the Merfolk (it takes 10 minutes to put on or off, as long as you wear it you can breathe underwater but cannot communicate verbally at all)
6. Beak of the Tendriled Lord (a kraken beak, d8 damage, when it hits you can expend a spell point to spurt ink and blind your enemy)

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Mork Borg: Madness

I found this in a separate slushpile on my drive. It was made along some other stuff for a project that never ended up being completed (as most projects end up).
It was about a fishing village going completely batshit insane, as fishing villages usually do in most game-related narratives.
There were a few other ominous things I might clean up and put here in the next few days.

"The Abyss returns even the boldest gaze."
The Hellion from Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studio.

Each time you get Madness, you lose an Omen. If you have 0 Omens, you roll a d6 and receive the corresponding Knell.
Every night, you may remove a Knell of your choosing.

1) Nightmares and Horrors seep through the night sky into your dreams. You don't recover HP this night.
2) Clear and clean, steel tells a tale where it has never been used. Until next rest, all your violence-related rolls take -2. (This includes damage rolls)
3) Foe of Man, hidden in the Dark, waiting to strike you, enticing caution from your every move. Until next rest, speed is halved.
4) Children of Man, born as Beast, roam this hostile land with hostile thoughts. Until next rest, all reaction rolls take -1.
5) Broken thoughts from broken places, filling up the holes left here, taking space where space is not. Until next rest, you can't cast any Spell.
6) No Sacrament can sanctify your past or your future now. You don't recover Omens this night.